How we work

Our Process:
Precision in Every Step

At Kohinoor Elevators Pvt. Ltd., we believe in delivering perfection from the first consultation to the final installation. Our approach is structured around three key stages, ensuring that each elevator is meticulously crafted, seamlessly installed, and reliably maintained.


Consult & Design

We initiate our process with a comprehensive consultation, understanding your needs and architecting elevator designs that harmonize with your space.


Manufacture & Install

Leveraging state-of-the-art technology and ISO 9001:2015 certified processes, we manufacture elevators that promise durability and finesse. Our expert teams ensure smooth installations, aligning with your timelines.


Maintain & Support

Our commitment doesn't end at installation. We offer continuous support, regular maintenance checks, and immediate assistance, ensuring your elevator's optimum performance at all times.


Elevating Excellence: Our Services

At Kohinoor Elevators Pvt. Ltd., we take pride in offering a comprehensive suite of elevator-related services, ensuring our clients receive end-to-end solutions under one roof.

Custom Elevator Design

Crafted to perfection, our elevators are tailored to complement the aesthetics of your infrastructure.

Installation & Integration

With precision-driven processes, our team ensures a seamless and hassle-free elevator installation in your space.

Maintenance & Support

Ensuring longevity and optimal performance, we offer regular maintenance checks and 24/7 support for all our installations.

Modernization & Upgrades

Stay ahead with the latest technologies as we offer upgrades and modern solutions to enhance your existing elevator systems.

Emergency Response & Repairs

In the rare event of a malfunction, our rapid response team is on standby, ensuring immediate repairs and minimal downtime.

Consultation & Training

Benefit from our expertise as we provide consultations and training sessions, empowering your team for better elevator management.